Treap + 啟發式合併
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <vector> #include <ctime> #include <cstdlib> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; const LL INF = 1e17 + 6; const int MAX_P = 1e6 + 6; struct Treap { static Treap mem[MAX_P]; Treap *lc,*rc; LL key; int pri,sz; Treap(){ } Treap(LL _key) : key(_key),pri(rand()),sz(1),lc(NULL),rc(NULL) { } } Treap::mem[MAX_P],*ptr=Treap::mem; int Sz(const Treap* t) { return t?t->sz:0; } void pull(Treap* t) { if (!t) return; t->sz = Sz(t->lc) + Sz(t->rc) + 1; } Treap* merge(Treap* a,Treap* b) { if (!a || !b) return a?a:b; else if (a->pri > b->pri) { a->rc=merge(a->rc,b); pull(a); return a; } else { b->lc=merge(a,b->lc); pull(b); return b; } } void split(Treap* t,LL k,Treap* &a,Treap* &b) { if (!t) a=b=NULL; else if (t->key <= k) { a=t; split(t->rc,k,a->rc,b); pull(a); } else { b=t; split(t->lc,k,a,b->lc); pull(b); } } bool ffind(Treap* &t,LL x) { Treap *tl,*tr; split(t,x-1,tl,t); split(t,x,t,tr); bool ret=(Sz(t)!=0); t=merge(tl,merge(t,tr)); return ret; } const int MAX_N = 5e4 +6; vector<int> edg[MAX_N]; LL a[MAX_N]; LL sz[MAX_N]; LL ans; void dfs1(int id,int par) { sz[id] = a[id]; for (int i:edg[id]) { if (i!=par) { dfs1(i,id); sz[id] += sz[i]; } } } void addd(Treap* &t,LL val) { Treap *tl; split(t,val,tl,t); t=merge(merge(tl,new(++ptr)Treap(val)),t); } void dell(Treap* &t,LL val) { Treap *tl,*tr; split(t,val-1,tl,t); split(t,val,t,tr); t=merge(merge(tl,t->lc),merge(t->rc,tr)); } int n; LL tot=0; Treap* root; LL get_ans(LL x,LL n_2x) { if (x<n_2x) return INF; else return x-n_2x; } void dfs2(int id,int par) { //sz[id] --> x //see have 2*x or tot-x if (ffind(root,2*sz[id])) { ans = min(ans,get_ans(sz[id],tot-2*sz[id])); } if (ffind(root,tot-sz[id])) { ans = min(ans,get_ans(sz[id],tot-2*sz[id])); } //sz[id] --> tot-2*x //see have tot-x if ((tot-sz[id])%2==0) { LL x=(tot-sz[id])/2; if (ffind(root,tot-x)) { ans = min(ans,get_ans(x,tot-2*x)); } } addd(root,sz[id]); for (int i:edg[id]) { if (i!=par) { dfs2(i,id); } } dell(root,sz[id]); } void split_by_sz(Treap* t,int k,Treap* &a,Treap* &b) { if (!t) a=b=NULL; else if (Sz(t->lc) + 1 <= k) { a=t; split_by_sz(t->rc,k-Sz(t->lc)-1,a->rc,b); pull(a); } else { b=t; split_by_sz(t->lc,k,a,b->lc); } } void ddfs(Treap* &a,Treap* t) { LL now=t->key; //now --> x //find x or tot-2*x if (ffind(a,now)) { ans = min(ans,get_ans(now,tot-2*now)); } if (ffind(a,tot-2*now)) { ans = min(ans,get_ans(now,tot-2*now)); } //now --> tot-2*x; //find x if ((tot-now)%2 == 0) { LL x=(tot-now)/2; if (ffind(a,x)) { ans = min(ans,get_ans(x,tot-2*x)); } } if (t->lc) ddfs(a,t->lc); if (t->rc) ddfs(a,t->rc); } void mmerge(Treap* &a,Treap* &b) { ddfs(a,b); while(Sz(b)) { Treap* t; split_by_sz(b,1,t,b); Treap *tl; split(a,t->key-1,a,tl); a=merge(merge(a,t),tl); } } Treap* sagiri[MAX_N]; void dfs3(int id,int par) { Treap* ret=NULL; vector<Treap*> v; for (int i:edg[id]) { if (i!=par) { dfs3(i,id); Treap* rett=sagiri[i]; if (Sz(rett) > Sz(ret)) { swap(rett,ret); } if (rett != NULL)v.push_back(rett); } } for (auto i:v) { mmerge(ret,i); } addd(ret,sz[id]); sagiri[id] = ret; } int main () { int T; scanf("%d",&T); while (T--) { ptr=Treap::mem; scanf("%d",&n); for (int i=0;n>=i;i++) { edg[i].clear(); } for (int i=1;n>=i;i++) { scanf("%lld",&a[i]); } for (int i=1;n-1>=i;i++) { int x,y; scanf("%d %d",&x,&y); edg[x].push_back(y); edg[y].push_back(x); } ans = INF; dfs1(1,1); root=NULL; tot=sz[1]; dfs2(1,1); dfs3(1,1); if (ans == INF) ans=-1; printf("%lld\n",ans); } }