key : LCA
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <vector> #include <utility> using namespace std; typedef pair<int,int> pii; const int MAX_N = 5e4+6; const int MAX_K = 1e5+6; const int MAX_P = 21; pii pip[MAX_K]; //pipe int ans[MAX_N]; int depth[MAX_N]; int lca[MAX_P][MAX_N]; int _1[MAX_N],_2[MAX_N]; int st[MAX_N]; int binary[MAX_P]; bool visit[MAX_N]; vector<int> edg[MAX_N]; void dfs1(int id,int cur_depth) { depth[id]=cur_depth; for (auto i=edg[id].begin();i!=edg[id].end();i++) { int tmp=*i; if (depth[tmp]==0) { lca[1][tmp]=id; dfs1(tmp,cur_depth+1); } } } int walk(int i,int to_depth) { int tmp=depth[i]-to_depth; if (tmp<0) return -1; int id=0; while (tmp>0) { binary[id++]=tmp%2; tmp/=2; } for (int x=id-1;x>=0;x--) { if (binary[x]==1) { i=lca[x+1][i]; } } return i; } void get_lca(pii i) { int a=i.first; int b=i.second; st[a]++,st[b]++; int R=min(depth[a],depth[b])+1,L=0; //L is the answer while (R-L != 1) { // cout<<"R = "<<R<<" , L="<<L<<endl; int mid=(L+R)>>1; if (walk(a,mid) == walk(b,mid) && walk(a,mid)!=-1) L=mid; else R=mid; } int step=L; // cout<<"a = "<<a<<" , b="<<b<<" , step = "<<step<<" , to = "<<walk(a,step)<<endl; if (step==depth[a]) { // cout<<"in1\n"; st[a]--; _2[a]++; } else if (step==depth[b]) { // cout<<"in2\n"; st[b]--; _2[b]++; } else { _1[walk(a,step)]++; } // cout<<"a="<<a<<" , b="<<b<<" , meet = "<<walk(a,step)<<endl; } int dfs2(int id) { visit[id]=true; int ret=0; for (auto i=edg[id].begin();i!=edg[id].end();i++) { int tmp=*i; if (visit[tmp]==false) { ret += dfs2(tmp); } } // cout<<"id = "<<id<<" , st="<<st[id]<<" , _1="<<_1[id]<<" , _2="<<_2[id]; // cout<<" ret = "<<ret; ans[id]=ret - _1[id] + st[id]; ret = ret - _2[id] + st[id] - 2*_1[id]; // cout<<" ans = "<<ans[id]<<endl; return ret; } int main () { if (fopen("","r")) { freopen("","r",stdin); freopen("maxflow.out","w",stdout); } int n,k; while (scanf("%d %d",&n,&k) != EOF) { for (int x=0;n>=x;x++) { edg[x].clear(); depth[x]=st[x]=_1[x]=_2[x]=0; visit[x]=false; } for (int x=0;n-1>x;x++) { int i,j; scanf("%d %d",&i,&j); edg[j].push_back(i); edg[i].push_back(j); } for (int x=0;k>x;x++) { int i,j; scanf("%d %d",&i,&j); pip[x]=make_pair(i,j); } dfs1(1,1); lca[1][1]=1; for (int x=2;MAX_P>x;x++) { for (int y=1;n>=y;y++) { lca[x][y] = lca[x-1][lca[x-1][y]]; } } for (int x=0;k>x;x++) { get_lca(pip[x]); } dfs2(1); int mx=-1; for (int x=1;n>=x;x++) { // cout<<"ans = "<<ans[x]<<endl; mx = max(mx,ans[x]); } printf("%d\n",mx); } }